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Posted 3rd Dec 2021

Treating The Tear Troughs Via The Cheek

cheek filler injections course at Harley Academy

Tear trough filler is an advanced aesthetics treatment that new injectors should not attempt without proper training. However, once you are confident in your injecting skills, especially using a cannula, often you will be able to start indirectly treating the tear troughs via the cheek.

Though still a tricky and demanding treatment, this approach to the under eyes is less risky than treating the tear troughs directly and can produce lovely results. In some cases this may mean the tear trough does not need direct treatment.

Therefore, it’s a good intermediate step for new injectors. One for those who have gained confidence in treating patients with fundamental dermal filler and toxin treatments, but who are not yet ready for advanced aesthetic medicine training.

Patients love the refreshed look it gives to their appearance, making them look instantly more awake and less tired, too. They are also rewarding treatments to deliver!

Treating the Tear Trough via the Cheek - Filler Consultation

Mid-face treatment to revolumise the tear troughs

Dr Raquel Amado is a senior clinical trainer at Harley Academy. She is also an experienced facial aesthetics and skin ageing specialist who runs her own growing practice in Kent. She talked us through the technique for treating the tear troughs via the cheek…

How do you treat the tear troughs via the cheek?

“You treat the cheek apex, the lateral zygoma and the medial cheek fat that supports the tear trough region. It’s called a mid-face treatment.

Who is this type of under eye filler treatment suitable for?

“Tear trough treatment is not suitable for patients who have malar mounds, anyone who has periorbital oedema, swelling, any bags under the eyes or excessive skin laxity. Obviously it all depends on the individual patient. Always conduct a thorough consultation prior to treatment. This includes discussing realistic expectations and alternative treatments as appropriate.”

Treating the Tear Trough via the Cheek Filler Masterclass

What is the correct injection technique for treating tear troughs via the mid-face?

“When you treat the tear trough via a mid-face treatment, you’re injecting into layer four below the muscle.

"If you’re doing lateral zygoma, you can use superperiosteal boluses or you can go into the prezygomatic space with a cannula.

"Medial fat restoration is always layer four with a cannula to avoid damage to the infraorbital neurovasculature. Use linear threads or a fanning technique.”

BANNER - Bundle discount on Cosmetic Injectables Masterclasses aesthetics training at Harley Academy

How can injectors learn this technique?

“Mid-face treatments can be covered to a certain extent during the mentoring of your Level 7 Diploma in Botox & Dermal Fillers course. This would include the basic techniques. Dedicated, in-depth training on under-eye filler treatments are available during our Tear Trough Filler Masterclass course.”

For specific indirect tear trough filler training, where you're essentially administering a mid-face filler treatment, another Injectables Masterclass may be best. Our Facial Contouring Masterclass offers specialist aesthetics training in these popular areas. It covers various aspects of the mid-face and lower face for proportionate outcomes.

In addition to learning new techniques, you'll also find out how to combine treatments for more holistic, natural-looking full-face rejuvenation results.

Find out more about mid-face treatment training

If you are a doctor, dentist, nurse or clinical pharmacist and have a particular aesthetic treatment or competency you’d like to learn or improve, we can help. In addition to the injectables course information on our website, you can book a call with our support consultants to learn more

They know our courses inside out and will be able to guide you through your options to find the perfect fit. Whether you’re starting from scratch or are a more experienced medical aesthetics practitioner looking to hone your skills in a specific area, they'll set out your best matches.

They can also advise you on our full offering of aesthetic courses and the payment options available for future-proofing your career by becoming #HarleyTrained.

All information correct at the time of publication

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