Level 7 Success Story: Dr Lindsay Jones
Our Level 7 Success Story article series brings you Harley Academy graduates’ experiences in their own words. Learn about their aesthetic medicine journeys, including what motivated them to train with us. Find out how they found completing their Level 7 Diploma in Botox and Dermal Fillers course and what having this gold standard qualification has meant to their careers.
Today we speak to Dr Lindsay Jones, an aesthetics specialist who runs her own practice. Moved from NHS Accident and Emergency work to aesthetic medicine four years ago. Now, she is also a clinical trainer at our London academy.
Introducing Dr Lindsay Jones…
What interested you about a career in aesthetics?
I became interested in aesthetics after a going to a medical careers fair five years ago and seeing a talk about its advantages. The ability to combine science with artistic flair to help patients’ self-worth really appealed to me.
Why did you decide to do your Level 7 in injectables?
I chose to do a Level 7 Diploma in Botox and Dermal Fillers course as it offered a much more thorough basis, looking at all aspects of aesthetics including the psychological and ethical impacts. The one and two day courses on offer terrified me, as nowhere in the medical field are you considered competent after one day of learning!
Why did you choose to train with Harley Academy?
Harley Academy is one of only a handful of trainers with courses that offer one-to-one mentoring, which I absolutely loved when I was first injecting. I felt so safe as I knew I had an experienced trainer in the room if anything went wrong.
How did you find the course?
The course is challenging but I enjoyed getting into the detail of it all. It made me feel ready to start out on my own as I knew I had a firm foundation. I especially enjoyed the one-to-one mentoring for the hands on practice.
How has being Level 7 qualified helped your career in general?
The Level 7 has not only been a fundamental basis to my aesthetics career. It has also enhanced my understanding of facial anatomy proving invaluable in my NHS job in A&E.
What made you want to teach aesthetics?
I’ve always been involved in teaching throughout my medical career. As well as the day-to-day teaching in A&E of my juniors, I’ve been involved in setting up paediatric teaching programmes and delivering advanced life support teaching for both adults and children. Once I discovered how much I enjoyed aesthetics it just made sense to transition over to teaching it.
What’s your favourite treatment to perform and why?
I have two favourite treatments! I love to treat cheeks and the mid-face as this has such an amazing rejuvenating effect on almost anyone’s face. I also love to treat lips, often in combination with a light sprinkle in the chin too! Lips can make or break a beautiful face and when treated in combination with the chin can make such a difference to a side profile.
Would you recommend the Harley Academy Level 7 Diploma in Botox and Dermal Fillers?
I’d highly recommend the Harley Academy Level 7 Diploma to any medical professional to future proof their career in medical aesthetics and give them a great base to build future learning on.
Find out more about our industry-leading aesthetics qualification, including our Fast Track Level 7 for more experienced aesthetics professionals, on our website.
Alternatively, you can book a call with Deneal Basi, our head of student recruitment. He’s happy to discuss your requirements and find the best course options for you so we can help you on your path to becoming #HarleyTrained.
All information correct at the time of publication
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