Aesthetics Complications: Injector Concerns
The fear of aesthetics complications is a common mental barrier to starting a career as an injector… But we can assure you, it needn’t be!
As a healthcare professional, it’s extremely likely that you deal with potential complications every day. After all, there is risk involved in every area of medicine.
No matter which sector you work in, it’s a case of learning to identify and minimise these risks. This is why we advocate for robust, specialist aesthetic medicine training before starting your injecting career.
Dr Jaymi Lad is the highly-regarded aesthetics specialist behind Javivo Clinic. She is also a senior clinical trainer at Harley Academy in Manchester.
We spoke to her about the reality of aesthetics complications and how this affects her everyday practice.
What would you say the risks involved in practising aesthetics are like compared to those in other medical fields?
“There are very few medical emergencies in aesthetics – they are extremely rare. The only real life-threating complication related to aesthetic practice is anaphylaxis. Again, this is very rare and practitioners may already have experience managing this from their medical practice,” says Dr Jaymi.
“Often practitioners worry about aesthetics complications more because long-term sequalae can result in affecting the appearance. Other risks relate to the fact that most practitioners work alone. Rarely is there anyone to supervise or to double-check medication doses.”
How often do you experience aesthetics complications in your own practice?
“I always make sure I’m available and in the country after a clinic, as a precaution. However, it is extremely rare that I face a complication following treatment,” she advises.
What’s the difference between a complication and a side effect?
“A side effect is an undesired, but not uncommon or unexpected, effect of a treatment or medication,” explains Dr Jaymi. “A complication is a rarer outcome, which is not expected to occur from treatment or a medicine administration.”
How can new injectors minimise the most common risks associated with injectables?
Dr Jaymi’s top tips are, “Slow injection technique. Plan your treatment well. Learn your anatomy.”
What’s your advice for building your confidence as a new aesthetics practitioner if you’re concerned about what can seem a “high risk” sector?
“Build a local support network or know who you can approach in the event of an emergency,” she advises. “Learn your complications management well and stay up to date with your skills and education.”
“Also if you have a fear of injecting and find yourself catastrophising about worst case scenarios, remember to breathe and take a step back. Only practice within your competencies and skills! If you aren’t sufficiently confident in your technique or approach, seek out specialist training or one-to-one mentoring in that area. Always prepare well and keep up to date with your skills and training.”
All Harley Academy aesthetic medicine courses cover complications to some degree. The only exception to this is our 1:1 Injectables Training mentoring sessions. However, as these sessions are tailored to your specific needs, should have have queries regarding complications, these can be covered during these sessions as long as you let us know in advance.
Our Level 7 Diploma in Botox and Dermal Fillers offers the most comprehensive education in understanding, preventing and managing aesthetics complications. This covers both botulinum toxin and filler complications.
We do, however, also offer a specialist online course: Preventing and Managing Dermal Filler Complications. This is available to doctors, dentists, nurses and midwives and uses real life case studies to help you become a safer, better informed and well-prepared aesthetic practitioner.
For more information or advice on finding the right course for you, call our team who’ll be happy to help.
All information correct at the time of publication
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